Introducing GROUP 3 Training

ORCA are pleased to announce the introduction of Group 3 Training.

Group 3 will start in October and introuduces 2 hour training sessions on Monday and / or Saturday.

Moving to Group 3 is open to all existing Group 2 members, with the agreement of the Head Coach only – due to limitation in the numbers that we can open this up to.


If you wish to take up Group 3 training sessions you will need to :

>> AGREE a slot with the Head Coach

>> Modify your Standing Orders – each session will cost an additional £4.50 per month (i.e. Mondays OR Saturdays will increase monthly fees by £4.50 – addinb BOTH sessions will be an additional £9.00 per month)

>> Trainin sessions will be

>>>> MONDAY : 7:00PM to 9:00PM

>>>> SATURDAY : 3:15PM to 5:15PM

This now allows ORCA to offer up to 5 hours of training per week to competitive swimmers.

Group 1 and Group 2 sessions are unaffected, MONTHLY fees will be as below :

Group 1 and Group 2

>> £15 : Advance Trainers

>> £25 : One session per week

>> £30 : Two session per week

>> £35 : Three session per week

Group 3 – One Group 3 Session per week

>> £19.50 : Advance Trainers

>> £29.50 : One session per week

>> £34.50 : Two session per week

>> £39.50 : Three session per week

Group 3 – Both Group 3 Session per week

>> N/A Advance Trainers (Advance Traininers only allowed to train one session per week)

>> N/A : One session per week

>> £39 : Two session per week

>> £44 : Three session per week